Weekly photo challenge: Street Life

Reflecting this week’s Weekly Photo Challenge theme, here are some pictures of street life in Valparaiso, Chile.
ImageImageImageImageWe lived in Valparaiso, Chile for a month (March 2014).  Valparaiso is a very unique city with a system of organic streets creeping up on the hills.  In an urban planning lecture at university, a professor said that “Every city or town in the world wants to be New York City.”  I never agreed with that statement.  Valparaiso is an example of a city that wants to be anything but New York City.  While I find Valparaiso charming, because of the graffiti and surprising streets, some people find the city gross and unfriendly, because of the street dogs every where, the smell of urine on the streets and the general state of dilapidation.


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